API the Docs is a free event for tech writers, API developers, product owners and developer evangelists who embrace documentation as a crucial aspect of a great developer experience. We believe the conference is a great opportunity to share and discuss the latest best practices, strategies and new trends relevant to API documentation.
Our last API the Docs event we organized in Amsterdam in collaboration with ABN AMRO was a fastlane for learning, thank you everyone! We aim to hold three similar events this year, the first one in Paris in collaboration with Mozilla.
We are thrilled to announce that this edition has a new feature! Renowned members of the documentation community confirmed to form a Speaker Selection Committee. Paris is a test run, and if it is successful, we would like to continue this initiative!
Read our Code of Conduct
SNCF workers started rolling rail strikes in March and they continue their walkouts until June on pre-set dates. On April 23 and 24 this industrial unrest affects TER regional, Intercité and high-speed TGV rail services mainly, but there will be disruption on Eurostar and RER lines as well - RER B runs between Paris city centre and CDG airport Paris. Here are some sites where you can get up-to-date information about rail services on strike days: CDG airport Paris, SNCF schedule. Rail services publish information on Twitter too. Follow @SNCF and @RERB.
As a solidarity with SNCF workers, Air France staff announced strike days for April too. April 23 and 24 are affected. Air France offers free re-booking of tickets purchased before April 5. If you have a ticket for April 23, we strongly recommend to re-book it for an other day!
Having a rail services strike in France does not affect public transport in Paris. Once you are there, there should be no problem with moving around in the city! We sincerely hope you will not be discouraged from attending the conference! Please plan your travel in advance and check your itinerary before you start your journey!
Big things come in small packages: API information in release notes
The state of Banking APIs portals in the PSD2 forced innovation
Security considerations for API docs
Starting from scratch: we have APIs, now what?
Deploying OpenAPI within an Existing API
How we reduced complexity in our dev experience
Supercharge API Portals by Speaking Your Devs Language!
Going to Infinity and Beyond Documentation with OpenAPI
The Bad, the Ugly, and the Good.
Architecting Developer eXperience: What docs does a developer portal need?
To SDK or not to SDK?